Our Baby fell off the bed




last updated

Age: 5 months 11 days

Our 5 month 11 day old baby fell of the bed… how could we let this happen?

We underestimated that the baby can already roll. Luckily we put some pillows but still there was a loud “thump” when it fell. But it did not cry at all.

A couple of weeks later the same happened to the other baby. But this time it was from the couch to hardwood floor. Again there was an even louder “thump” and this time it cried a lot. But we were able to calm it down so maybe it did not hit the head when falling.

Now we no longer put the babies on a bed unattended. When we have to we only put them in the crib or on the floor on the playmat. At the very beginning – on April 23rd – the baby fell out of the stroller at 2 months old with the face first onto concrete. Back then we went to the hospital. But obviously it had a guardian angel because apart from redness on the face nothing happened.

Did your baby fall on the floor already? Post in the comments!