We learned nursery rhymes




last updated

Age: 9 months 9 days

We were at the parents’ meeting in the family center. There we played some fun games with our babies and learned some nursery rhymes, among other things.

First of all, we were allowed to choose an animal during the introduction round and then we sang the correspondingly modified children’s rhyme together. Here you can see what that sounds like:

The rhyme should be repeated 3 times.

Little snail

Little snail, little snail,
crawls up, crawls up,
crawls back down, crawls down again,
strokes your stomach, tickles your stomach.

Little bug, little bug,
fly over, fly over,
show me your points, show me your points,
one, two, three, one, two, three.

Little bunny…hops up,…tickles your foot!
(You can make all animals jump, run, trample, gallop, sneak, fly, etc. And different parts of the body can also be tickled.)

This rhyme provides entertainment when changing diapers (making cycling movements with your legs or rowing movements with your arms):

The mouse

The mouse has red socks on
and cycles as far as he can cycle.
She cycles to Styria
because cycling makes her calves strong!

The mouse has red gloves on
and rows as much as she can row.
She rows all the way to Denmark
because rowing makes her arms strong.

We will definitely go to the family reunion again. Here are a few more impressions. We liked that the toy mostly consists of everyday objects (curlers, metal bowls, etc.).

Which nursery rhymes do you know? Post in the comments!


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