Our baby has a flat head 🙁




last updated

Age: 6 months 21 days

We are worried at the moment because our almost 7 month old baby has a noticeably flattened head. It’s always on the back and reluctantly on the stomach… that’s probably the cause. My mother (and her sister) have a flat spot on the back of their head… but in women it is at least covered by hair. It doesn’t look so cool on boys with short hair! That’s why we went to the doctor today!

E-Mail to the doctor

Here’s what we wrote::

Dear team Dr. …,

We are worried at the moment because the flattening of the back of our baby’s head is very noticeable (see photos attached). At birth they told us to be careful. Whether then brain development is affected or it may not be particularly pretty in adulthood (my mother and her sister also have a small flattened area, but in women it is at least hidden by the hair). 
Unfortunately, the baby doesn’t like to lie on his stomach at all. Our other baby is less serious and sleeps on his stomach more often. 
Can we do anything?

Thank you

At the doctor

But what did the doctor say? Did we do anything wrong?

There’s actually not much you can do:

  • Place baby on his stomach as often as possible
  • Change your favorite side, e.g. when the baby is lying next to the parents in the cot and then lie down the other way around (change the incidence of light).
  • Head in the baby carrier once to the left, then to the right again
  • Likewise, alternate sides when feeding
  • Place toys on their side so the baby tilts their head to the side or turns to the side
  • Use a baby carrier more often instead of a stroller with a baby bath

What we don’t have to do:

  • Do not use pillow for baby
  • Do not place baby on the stomach at night as there is a risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • Exception: If the baby turns over on its stomach on its own (and can turn back again)
  • then avoid thick pillows (danger of suffocation)

Helmet therapy?

According to our doctor, helmets are only made when the face is also affected by the deformed head. A helmet gives the head room to grow in the flat area, so it doesn’t put any pressure. We still want to spare our baby that. Physiotherapy always comes first anyways.

The good news

But then came the good news:

  • It’s not as bad with our baby, there are much worse cases
  • head still growing out as the fontanelles are still there
  • in 2 months baby will be sitting anyway
  • and big surprise: today our baby turned over on his stomach while sleeping for the first time!

So all clear! It really took a load off our hearts! Nevertheless, we will to put the baby more on its stomach!

Does your baby have a flat head? How do you deal with it? Post in the comments!