What’s in our diaper bag




last updated

Age: 4 months 6 days

We hang our stroller organizer / diaper bag in front of our stroller and it basically contains food for the babies and stuff to change diapers. Please see our video and what we took last time we went out with the twins.


Here is a checklist of all the essentials in our stroller organizer / baby / diaper bag:

  • Formula: Hipp Bio Pre because it is the cheapest from Hipp (the Combiotic is more expensive and not necessary) and the doctor recommended it to use Pre Formula until 1 year
  • Pacifiers: to calm down baby in public transport
  • Thermos: a mixture of boiled water and room temperature water (sometimes we bring two bottles, one with boiled water and the other one with room temperature water)
  • Cloth Diapers: to lay down baby outside of the stroller for example at the the doctor or in the restaurant on a sofa
  • Disposable Diapers: we buy from dm store it is the cheapest when bought in a jumbo box (0,14 € per diaper)
  • Changing Mat
  • Water Wipes: 99% water wipes when on the go (we avoid scented wipes). We prefer the ones that have the plastic opening because it is easier to take out just one wipe (but it might also mean more plastic in the garbage). We buy at Hofer/Aldi (it is the cheapest).
  • Tissues: to clean baby’s mouth (we also use cotton with water, it is more soft for baby’s bum)
  • Burp Cloth: we need a lot of them!
  • Rash Cream: we use Inotyol (contains zinc to dry inflamed skin) for bum and now also for neck because of double chin it gets red when sweating in summer (we also have Mycostatin when there are red dots on baby bottom)
  • Moisturizer
  • Bottles: we bring sterilized bottles
  • Dispenser: from Nuk
  • Milk: we usually bring two bottles already filled with 120ml prepared formula because esp. in the summer babies get hungry quickly (we usually only keep it for 1 hour after that it is not good anymore)
  • Baby Food: our 4 month old babies just started to eat solid food (we started with carrots)

Please click on any item to buy it. The bag we have bought second hand but there are many bags available online.

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