We are sick




last updated

Age: 9 months 14 days

Today we went to the pediatrician because we are all sick. Our babies had a fever after the measles vaccination. The immune system was weakened. As a result, a viral infection struck straight away. 🙁 Read about the best home remedies and tips the doctor gave us!


In Austria, the cost of an inhaler is covered by health insurance if the symptoms are severe (bronchitis, COPD, etc.).

We filled the inhaler with physiological saline solution. You can make them yourself, buy them in larger bottles at the pharmacy or as ampoules.

We chose the ampoules because the solution is then always sterile. You can also use it to clean your nose and eyes. The aerosol is nebulized and, when inhaled deeply, loosens the mucus from the bronchi. In contrast to hot steam, babies do not have a problem to do this.

Is a warm apartment good?

Ein großes Problem bei uns zuhause ist die Zentralheizung, wo man die Temperatur nicht einstellen kann. Dadurch wird die Wohnung sehr trocken und die Babys fangen an zu husten. Wir sollten auf jeden Fall auch gegen unseren Instinkt handeln und die Zimmertemperatur eher kühl lassen. Dafür eben mehr anziehen.


A big problem in our home is the central heating, where you cannot adjust the temperature. This makes the apartment very dry and the babies start coughing. We should definitely go against our instincts and leave the room temperature rather cool. Just wear more.

Unfortunately, we always have a mold problem because the apartment is not insulated from the outside and condensation forms due to the cold-warm bridge. That’s why we’re not actually allowed to let laundry dry in the apartment.

Refrigerator or open window

This tip especially helps against pseudo croup. If you have severe coughing attacks at night, stand with your baby in front of the window or refrigerator so that they can breathe in moist air.

Breast wraps and oil massages

We should massage the burst with a low-odor oil and do a warm oil compress to loosen the mucus. We used almond oil that we bought at the pharmacy once (we used it against cradle cap & gneiss on the baby’s head).

Steam Bath

What we did a lot is put hot water in the bathtub and sit the baby next to it so that it can breathe in the moist air. Then you have to wrap it up well (oil wrap) and put it to bed. And you shouldn’t do that if you have a fever!

Nasal Aspirator

So that the babies can breathe freely, the secretion must be removed from the nose. We bought a nasal aspirator for this:

We have now upgraded to the variant that connects to the vacuum cleaner, which is easier to use and clean. You just always have to prepare the vacuum cleaner, that’s the only disadvantage:


We had Ben-U-Ron (paracetamol) suppositories at home in case the babies had a vaccination reaction in the evening (fever or pain). However, we were given Nuroflex (ibuprofen) this time as it is more anti-inflammatory. Then nose drops and a cough syrup (Alpinamed cough solver syrup) were prescribed.

Actually, we should have collected the babies’ urine and taken it to the doctor to rule out a urinary tract infection. The bag is self-adhesive and collects the baby’s urine. But we forgot about that in the stress.


What are your best home remedies for colds, fever and flu in babies? Post in the comments!

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