PARI Boy Junior Nebulizer Machine Review




last updated

Age: 10 months 19 days

Today we have the PARI Boy Junior, the best-known inhalation device from Germany. We will compare it with the PARI Vortex, a holding chamber. The boy can be filled with saline solution to prevent colds or, with the addition of additional inhalation solutions, to loosen deep-seated mucus and to treat flu, asthma, bronchitis and COPD.

These devices nebulize the inhalation solution into small aerosol droplets that can penetrate deep into the lungs. So this is not hot steam, which would be dangerous for babies anyways.


The compressor is quite heavy. Therefore the device is not suitable for travel.

It is a little bit noisy. But it doesn’t bother our babies.


The nebulizer, tube and mask are part of the year pack, which should be renewed annually. Probably a good source of income for the PARI company. But this is the same with all inhalation devices. In any case, a year pack is included.

There are two nozzle inserts, which we like:

  • yellow: fine aerosol for the small airways and the therapy of babies and children
  • red: extra fine droplets especially for babies and small children in obstructive phases (also with COPD)

There is also a mouthpiece for adults:

Our babies actually like the mask, especially if we entertain them during treatment (sing a song to them, etc.).

We like that the mask is connected to the nebulizer via an bend. This is important so that you can keep the nebuliser unit level even when the baby is reclined. This allows you to get every last drop out of the aerosol.


The doctor prescribed the following inhalation solution (the same Sultanol as in the PARI Vortex, only in liquid form):

We mix it with half an ampoule of saline solution (NaCL).

With this we can have our twins inhale for 5 minutes each, one after the other.

PARI Boy Junior vs. PARI Boy Vortex

We tried the PARI Vortex, an inhaler aid, for a short time. This was before switching to the PARI Boy Junior.

The babies didn’t it at all because they they hardly could breathing. It was like we try to suffocate them with a pillow and they tried everything to get out (and they are quite strong already). Perhaps with older children it is possible to explain.

Our doctor wanted us to use brute force to hold the babies since it is for a few breaths of air only. However, our pharmacist strongly advised us not to do this, otherwise they would be heavily traumatized and advised us to use the PARI Boy instead.

With inhalation device that use a compressor the babies can actually see the vapor and there is a constant flow of air.

When traveling or when you have little time and especially when the children are older, the PARI Vortex obviously can have advantages.

Are we happy with the PARI Boy Junior?

We are very satisfied with our new inhalation device. The babies like the PARI Boy most of the times. If not we can calm them down (unlike with the PARI Vortex).

Everything is of high quality, manufactured in Germany (Upper Bavaria). The compressor with the green color is a real eye-catcher.

We highly recommend the device. It is certainly the best device currently on the market.

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