Our Baby was eaten alive by Mosquitoes




last updated

Age: 6 months 4 days

Today we went to the local wetlands (“Donau-Auen”) and of course our babies were attacked by mosquitoes (like in the image above). But the baby of our friend had zero mosquito bites! How was she able to protect her child?

Mosquito Net

We had our proven mosquito net with us:

It protected our babies well but we needed to take out the babies some time…

How was the swimming?

For swimming we brought these cute floating wind-up bath toys. Our babies are still too young to play with it in the water. But the 9 month old of our friend had a lot of fun:

When we wanted to feed our babies the mosquitoes also thought it is feeding time unfortunately:

What is interesting is that they seemed to like only one of our babies… and my wife, maybe because she was still wet from swimming?

Why did they ignore our friend?

The baby of our friend did not have a single mosquito bite. Why is this? She has a portable anti-mosquito device that creates sounds that are not hearable for humans. So obviously the mosquitoes don’t like it at all. Or was it her skin type?


We don’t really know if it was the skin type or this anti-mosquito device, so that our friend (and her baby) was not attacked. We will have to test the device next time ourselves…

How do you protect your babies from annyoing mosquitoes? Do you even use sprays? And if they already have been bitten, how do you cure the bites? Post in the comments!

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