Our baby has the Tourniquet Syndrome




last updated

Age: 10 months 7 days

Our baby cried a lot and obviously had pain and now we maybe know why. A strand of hair was wrapped firmly around 2 toes, cut deep into the flesh limiting blood flow. We found out by chance but now we recommend to search all extremities regularly.

This hair was causing the trouble

What troubles us is that we don’t know how long this strand of hair was there already. Here you can see the culprit:

It was not easy to see the hair because it is so thin and almost invisible because it was already embedded in the flesh. The surrounding skin started to grow over the wound.

The toe was red and very sensitive to touch. Luckily we were able to remove the hair immediately.

We desinfected the wound, put healing creme and kept the toes warm and dry (no bathing for the next 2-4 days). We hope that the cut will close over time and everything will be back to normal.

Update after 1 week

This is how the toes look like now:

So the cut is already closing and it looks like we discovered the tourniquet syndrome just in time!

Did you ever hear about this dangerous condition?

It can get really dangerous if the Tourniquet Syndrome is not discovered in time and even make an amputation necessary. Are you checking the extremities of your baby regularly? With boys it can even affect the penis. Please post in the comments!


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