Category: Diary

  • Our Children Eating with a Spoon!

    Our Children Eating with a Spoon!

    Today, the children took the initiative to eat their porridge independently with a spoon. Although it started off a bit clumsy and chaotic, with some sliding or flipping of bowls and transitioning to spoon catapulting, they eventually mastered it.

  • Our children play back balls

    Our children play back balls

    Recently, our children have begun returning the balls we roll to them. While their precision may be a work in progress, the joy it brings them is undeniable! This moment signifies a notable milestone in their development. Don’t hesitate to check out our handball video! Share your young athletes with us! Are your little ones…

  • Our baby has the Tourniquet Syndrome

    Our baby has the Tourniquet Syndrome

    Our baby cried a lot and obviously had pain and now we maybe know why. A strand of hair was wrapped firmly around 2 toes, cut deep into the flesh limiting blood flow. We found out by chance but now we recommend to search all extremities regularly.

  • Our baby is standing

    Our baby is standing

    Our twin #1 pulled himself up from the crib to stand today. He can already sit and crawl.

  • Our 10 month old babies eat these fruits

    Our 10 month old babies eat these fruits

    Our 10 month old babies mainly drink milk, eat vegetables, meat and fish. In the morning and in between, they also eat pureed fruit, usually mixed with oat flakes (porridge), semolina and cereal porridge…

  • The babies have breakfast with us

    The babies have breakfast with us

    We always eat very healthy in the morning: oatmeal (porridge) with lots of fruit. Now we’ve managed to get our babies to eat (almost) the same thing at 10 months! Watch our video!

  • We are sick

    We are sick

    Today we went to the pediatrician because we are all sick. Our babies had a fever after the measles vaccination. The immune system was weakened. As a result, a viral infection struck straight away. 🙁 Read about the best home remedies and tips the doctor gave us!

  • We learned nursery rhymes

    We learned nursery rhymes

    We were at the parents’ meeting in the family center. There we played some fun games with our babies and learned some nursery rhymes, among other things.

  • Now it’s really starting!

    Now it’s really starting!

    Today Baby #1 started crawling around. We urgently need to put up a fence now, the baby is already snapping at all the cables and has almost opened the drawers! Watch our video!

  • NUK Magic Cup Mini Night Review

    NUK Magic Cup Mini Night Review

    In August we thought that buying a Learning Sippy Cup was a mistake because our baby did not know how to use it at . Now after 3 month it suddenly worked! See (and hear) for yourself!

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