Weight development




last updated

Age: 3 months 14 days

In the following chart you can see the weight development of our babies, also compared to the percentile1!

Weight (in kg)

As you can see, only baby red lost weight at birth, baby blue almost always gained weight.

Except for 05/17 when the blue baby ate very little and overtook the red baby. In the night it has partially slept through 7 hours. Maybe we should have woken it up…

However, we are glad that both babies are now eating well and gaining weight again…

In the beginning the weight was way under the percentile but caught up quickly. Click on “Premature” to shift the graphic for the premature days.

Length/Height (cm)

Head Circumference (cm)

BMI (kg/m2)

How is your baby doing with weight gain? Post in the comments!

By the way, we use the following baby scale at home:

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  1. The percentile shows how our baby’s weight compares to other infants. It tells us what percentage of babies weigh less and what percentage weigh more. Fore example out of a sample of 100 babies, a percentile value of 40 means that our baby weighs more than 40 babies and less than the other 60 babies. A percentile of 50% represents the average or mean weight. ↩︎


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